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14-06-2024 00:00
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 74
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

The Perfect Midfielder - Training Up A Midfielder

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Hey Guys,

Another one of my questions to refresh from old-school knowledge to the current state of the game. With midfielders I used to always look for 8+ speed and stamina, then 6+ in tackling for d-mids or 6+ shooting for o-mids. After that add in ball control, passing, play intel, and crossing (if long balls or crossing are used).

However in picking up some players off the transfer list I have been finding top teams that are training up players in speed, stamina, passing and aerial passing but no training in shooting and tackling. In the new sim have passing and aerial passing on mids become more important than tackling?

My thought had always been to get as much tackling on as many players on the defensive side of the field as possible to stop the other teams attack and steal back possession. However in theory I can see the importance of passing and aerial passing in the mid to distribute the ball effectively to the forwards, I just had never put it ahead of tackling (or shooting). Is this something I should rethink?


-the manager formerly known as beerdrinker.
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Re: The Perfect Midfielder - Training Up A Midfielder

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I think the current style of play, whether its short passing or wings, is high passing/AP + high PI + attacking mentality.

Those Argentinians always come up with these new exploits.

Re: The Perfect Midfielder - Training Up A Midfielder

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So a defender with more shooting than a defender with less shooting is somewhat a better defender? Because you talk about attacking mentality?

Re: The Perfect Midfielder - Training Up A Midfielder

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doneman_444 wrote:
So a defender with more shooting than a defender with less shooting is somewhat a better defender? Because you talk about attacking mentality?

I think he's referring to the attacking style of play. Using high passing and high pi on mids when playing short passing or high aerial passing and high pi if playing on the wings.

Re: The Perfect Midfielder - Training Up A Midfielder

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
I think the current style of play, whether its short passing or wings, is high passing/AP + high PI + attacking mentality.

Those Argentinians always come up with these new exploits.

doneman_444 wrote:
So a defender with more shooting than a defender with less shooting is somewhat a better defender? Because you talk about attacking mentality?

sbrownridge wrote:
I think he's referring to the attacking style of play. Using high passing and high pi on mids when playing short passing or high aerial passing and high pi if playing on the wings.

Bestplaymaker doesnt refer to tackling or shooting at all, so I dont think doneman_44 is talking to him, but to you sbrownridge.


IMO - midfielder's should have whatever your minimum no of balls is for speed, stamina, BC, and 8+ in passing as your initial 4 skills. Mids that you want to keep as central mids, I would then look for 8+ PI. With wingers, you want 8+ aerial, defensive - 7+ tackling, attacking - 7+ shooting (I'm saying 7+ because if you have an 9 or 10 ball tackling or shooting player then they are going to be a defender or striker first, unless their PI and passing is awesome). PI is also important for those mids.
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