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29-05-2024 09:23
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 58
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Old timer back to the game looking for advice

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Hey how are you fellow managers, I used to play this game back in 2006 and did for some years, but eventually stopped and now after having tried unsuccesfully to come back I want to give it another go.

So far I've started improving my stadium, which I'll try to keep constantly improving until I get maximum revenue for my division, since I feel a higher steady income will let me invest more in purchases, TCs and salaries (IE more players training. I also started hiring class F coaches as cheap as possible, to at least get some training benefit for my players. I started a youth academy and got a maximum amount, since I feel this will help improve my squad short term, after those graduate I plan to cut dow to like 8/7 and slowly build it back up to get a steady stream of graduates, which I feel is easier to handle.

I've shared my players and maxings and was looking for some help on who should I keep and what should I train them on. I plan on sacking quite a bit of them, since given their maxing/age I don't feel it's worth it to keep spending on salaries. I'll try to snatch young bargains on the market and train them up, while also improving my team squad. I used to play the market a lot, guess it's still a thing, but the maxings weren't shown and potential wasn't a thing, so some pointers there would be great.

I would really appreciate some input on how I could improve my plan or if certain areas would benefit from some changes, since I'm basically leaning from my experience from many years ago.

I've did quite some reading on the new youth training system and on approximately how many balls each star means. From what I could put together, there seem to be 2 schools of thought: 1) train them in their lowest potential skills, since this gives you a floor on how low other essential skills might be or 2) train them in condition, which is essential for any players and discard bad maxings.

So far in my exchanges I've tried prioritizing a combination of high stars (on good skills prefered) and also training speed. Are there any low/high potential skills that makes you usually discard a youth without giving them a try?

Well sorry for the long read, but I'm really looking forward this new stay and would appreciate all the help and tips I could get.
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Uuesti: Old timer back to the game looking for advice

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Welcome back!

Re: Old timer back to the game looking for advice

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Welcome back.

Not an awful lot has changed! Most of the info re stadium build ratios etc still relevant on the mentaldog site.

The scout reports are as you say the most interesting development. (The current sim is garbage as a warning).

Re your Q - 1 star skills you’ll be lucky to get 6 balls on so bit of a non starter if you get Speed, Stamina or BC on one of those imo. I favour getting coaches for Speed and Stamina out of camps and then prioritizing PI & BC in camps where possible.

Unless you’re targeting success at U18-23s I wouldn’t worry to much about training speed. If a player has good potential, worth the wait!

Worth deciding whether you will look to play wing attack early (overly powerful tactic currently) as you’re training approach should mirror - more focus on aerial passing, PI and heading.

Good luck.

Re: Old timer back to the game looking for advice

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Welcome back
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