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10-06-2024 07:19
Season 90 · Week 10 · Day 70
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Training Help

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How come some of my player have no change in the training report? how do you make them go up ??
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Re: Training Help

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they will show no change in the training report if they are maxed at the ability they're training atm.older players usually take longer time to gain a ball so they will show little performance in the training report.
improving training at non-maxed abilities , hire a coach or more so they train faster.
try to train them at another skill , maybe they'll do better.
good luck

Re: Training Help

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ok thanks but does this happen to a team you got a month ago bc thats when i joined and i am trying to get my 5 bal shootingl striker that my team came with higher in shooting

Re: Training Help

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welcome to mz buddy, first off id highly recommend taking a look at this site:

it will give you a lot of the info we are all looking for when getting started. beyond that i can offer my own opinion on the team you come with when you start. they tend to be poor all around. i got lucky with an eventual 9 ball keeper from my original team but most would rightfully tell you to dump most all of them right as opportunities present themselves. they train poorer than youth-generated players, theyre usually too old for their talent to make it worth your while to send them to camps, and theyre generally poorly balanced skillbases. any player can max in a given skill once he reaches 4 balls, it sounds like hes not going to improve further.

what i did at the outset, thanks to the advice of my brother whose been playing since season 1, was sell and sack most all my guys and replace them with cheap young guys who are youth graduates. i kept my potential keepers and used this new base team while i made sure all my youth went to camp all three years, unless they maxed early. your youth may gain about 8 balls per season, making them starting potential within a couple seasons for you.

Re: Training Help

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thanks i have 8 youths 4 are at tc i have only 4 senior players that came with my team and have about 8 19 to 21 years i got from transfers how is that? wait they gain 8 ballls a seasong what do i do send 4 to tc for 5 weeks and then send the other 4 for 5 weeks?

Re: Training Help

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yes, i only send players for 5 weeks, anything less is not worth it. the 5th week each day of training is worth 4 days of top training by excellent staff. i would recommend keeping your youth at 8 for the next season and make sure they and a couple others of your new buys get some camp time. but there are many ways to do well and other experienced managers would have other suggestions and they wouldnt be wrong.

youth can gain 8 balls or more but thats not a guarantee though. my youth usually gain about 4-5 balls at camp and another 3-5 balls in normal training per season. this all depends on various conditions (staff, partial balls, number of starting balls, training proclivities).

Re: Training Help

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fva2101 covered it all but wld like to add
send them once to YTC to know their talents.
n abt the training report i have never heard of a new team with max players unless bought.see if u have place them on the field with different training sections.

Re: Training Help

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n dont forget to press save.

Re: Training Help

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My new team had 2 maxed players when I started about 1½ week ago. My goalie and one of my defenders (one 4 keeper and other 4 tackling).

I didn't bother to train them on other positions cuz I figure it wasn't worth it since they are around 22-23 years. Released my goalie and having my defender training stamina. Going to release him too when my others defenders are ready to take over.

Re: Training Help

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i guess players in india r we have to stick with our starting players for few seasons never heard of anyone saying they got maxed players at the start.
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