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fastest ways, most efficient and right ways to gain skill balls?

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fastest, most efficient and right ways to gain skill balls in training?
what should I do
For the following:
youth players
- when should i start a youth academy?
- how many youths should I order?
-where should I send them?
- what should I train them in?
- what methods should I use to get them to gain skill balls fast?
Senior Players
-when should i sell certain players?
-training tips for best results?
- balls skills that are essential for every player?
- best tactics to use?
- best pressing?
- best style of play?
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Re: fastest ways, most efficient and right ways to gain skill ba

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Youth players:
1) Start a youth academy ASAP.

2a) Order 23 youths (as many as possible).

2b) You can also use Youth Custom Setup (YCS). Preferable is 8-8-7*. Which means 8 16yo, 8 17yo, and 7 18yo (or any other order). This is to have a balanced and competitive youth team every season. If you choose i.e. 11 18yo, 8 17yo and 4 16yo, you will have a weakened youth team the next two seasons, as you don't have enough 18yo players. You will probably do well the first two seasons and pretty bad in the next two seasons. That means one step forward and two steps backwards. Not a long term solution. If you use the YCS and select i.e the 8-8-7 setup now when you have 16yo, 15 of your 16yo will be replaced with 17 and 18yo. You can not decide which 16yo to keep and which to replace. The players you get through YCS (not the 16yo you keep) will serve a transfer ban for 3 seasons from the day you use the YCS, and they will arrive with an amount of balls which corresponds their age (18yo will arrive with 2 seasons of full training and training camp (TC). Some users prefer another setup than 8-8-7, like 7-8-8 or 5-8-10. My recommendation is maybe 3-10-10 or something similar, but in the long run you should have minimum 7 and maximum 8 in each cohort to mantain the age balance. If you choose 3-10-10, you can exchange the weakest 17 and 18yo with 16yo through youth exchange (YE) before the season ends. You can exchange 2 players every Tuesday at midnight CEST (an hour ago), and this is 11PM in Ireland. When you complete the Youth Tour (just finished) in the start of each season you can exchange 3 youths instead of 2, and it also gives you 4 more free youth places at the TC.

3) Send ALL youths to TC for 5 weeks every season. Youths will in the future be the trunk of your U21 and U23 teams, and if you're lucky some of them will make it to your senior team. I recommend you to wait until you dont have any U18 games left to send them to TC. Don't worry. They will probably not make it to you U21 XI in the start of the season as 19yo anyway. As you don't compete in the regular U18 series (you signed up to the game a few days late), you will probably have played your last U18 games a bit before us who competes in the U18 series, and thus you can send your 18yo to TC a bit before us this season. Unless you advance to the last rounds of U18 cups or participate in the U18 world league. This will make your youth team competitive throughout the season.

In the same way, you should also send your 17yo to TC so they will return in time for the youth tournaments next season (thus they should be sent before day 65). You should also not send all 17yo at TC at the same time, as you will also need some of them on the pitch when you only have 7 or 8 18yo. Keep 3 or 4 of them home from the TC at any given time, so you can field a full XI consisting of 17 and 18 yo exclusively. You don't want to use 16yo, as they have one full season of less training and balls than the 17yo and two seasons less than the 18yo.

Youths that you start with when starting your youth academy or you get through YCS, this being either 16, 17, or 18yo I recommend you to send to Youth Camp (YC). This is because you don't know their "potential". This will be revealed when you see which skills they train at the TC. This is not the skills which they will get most balls, but the skills which they will train fastest, but they will reach at least 6 balls in these skills. When you already know their potential, you don't have to send them to YC, unless you value all these skills.

Again, managers have different opinions on this, and some might not use the YC at all, and some send them on YC more than once, particularly if these are the skills you prefer to train them in anyway. The skills they train at the YC will also give you an indicator on where to train them after they return from the camp and where (position) you would like to use them. BUT when you exchange your youths, you can also scout the players and thus reveal their potential before they arrive, and you will not use the YC unless you value the three skills highly. When you do that, don't look at their value. It doesn't mean anything in the end. Some skills are more significant to the player value. Look at the active skills for their position, and not the total amount of balls. I.e. you don't need a defender with lots of balls in goalkeeping and shooting. More on that later.

4) Well. This depends on which playing style you prefer. I prefer wing passing for my youth team.

Short passing: 1 GK, 2 defenders, 1 DM, 1 AM, 1 CF, and 1 strikers in the cohorts with 7 players. Add 1 CM for the cohorts with 8 players.

Wing passing: 1 GK, 2 defenders, 1 DM, winger, 1 CF, and 1 strikers in the cohorts with 7 players. Add 1 CM for the cohorts with 8 players.

What to train (in order):

Short passing:
GK: ONLY GK on the training field. Stamina, aerial passing, playing intelligence and speed in addition to GK on training camps.
Defenders: Tackling, stamina, speed, passing, and ball control (BC).
DM and CM: Same as defenders, but the further up in the pitch they are, the more you should value passing and BC rather than tackling.
AM: Stamina, speed, passing, BC, and shooting.
Strikers: Shooting, stamina, speed, and BC (passing when he gets maxed in the others)
CF: Same as striker, but passing is more important at the expense of the others (not stamina)

Wing passing:
GK: ONLY GK on the training field. Stamina, aerial passing, playing intelligence and speed (in that order) in addition to GK on training camps. (same as for short passing)
Defenders: Tackling, stamina, speed, and aerial passing. 2-3 balls in BC and passing doesn't hurt.
DM and CM: Same as defenders, but the further up in the pitch they are, the more you should value aerial passing rather than tackling.
Winger: Aerial passing, stamina, speed and BC
Striker: Shooting, heading stamina, speed (BC, and passing when he gets maxed in the others)
CF: Same as striker, but passing and BC is more important at the expense of heading. 2-3 balls in heading are enough.

Playing intelligence is also important, but rumours say that young players train slower in PI than older and more experienced players. You shouldn't prioritize that so much for youths.

5) Explained above, but the 16yo you exchange from day 6 each season can also be sent to Youth Conditioning Camp (YTC), which gives them accelerated training in 1 or 2 skills you want them to train. The later in the season you exchange new youths for your team, the faster they will train at the YTC. Other things you can do is to give them the best coaches possible. I recommend B and C coaches. B coaches has a maximum of 9 balls in their skills, while C coaches have a maximum of 7.

Re: fastest ways, most efficient and right ways to gain skill ba

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Senior players:
1) It depends. Players who turn 30 or 33 years old will deteriorate in speed and stamina in the first part of the season. This will obviously lower their sales value. Sell them when they are 29 or 32. A 27yo will obviously be worth more than a 29yo because he will have 2 more seasons to play before he starts deteriorating. It all depends on your league position. Can you challenge for the title/promotion? Do you really need this player this or next season? For U21 and U23 players, it also depends. The sales value of a 21yo and a 23yo will immediately lower as soon as they turn 22yo and 24yo, because then they are too old to play U21 and U23 respectively, and a 22yo will probably not be good enough for starting for the best U23 teams, so they will probably not spend a lot of money on him unless he's tremendous. Maxings (reaching their maximum potential in skills, which can occur when they reach balls, from ball 4 to 10 (6 to 10 for the skills they have potential in)) will also lower the sales value of a player. You can have a super talent with 8 green (unmaxed is often referred to as green balls, while maxed is referred to as red balls) balls in multiple, i.e. 3, skills.

Then you might think that this is a good time for selling him. You know that he will at least reach 9 balls in the 3 skills, so you will get a lot of money for him. It's a risk assessment. Do you want to take the chance on him not maxing in the 9th ball in i.e. shooting? Because if he maxes in the 9th ball in shooting, his sales value will obviously be lower than if he's unmaxed in 8 balls. Because unmaxed in 8 means that he might reach 10 balls. We don't know when a player will get maxed in skills, so this is one of the most fun and difficult aspects of the game.

2) Explained in my previous post about youths.

3) Explained in 4) in the previous post.

4) Again, it depends. If your strikers lack balls in heading and you don't have a good winger, you will obviously not have a team suited for wing passing. And your defenders and midfield should also have lots of balls in aerial passing to be able to play wing passing. The same goes for short passing. If your players can't control the ball or play a short passing, then that's not a good solution. Take a look at the formations the best teams in the world play. I always try to have versatile players, so I can switch between short and wing passing depending on my opponent. If i play against a team with 5 defenders, a wide line of defenders, and defensive midfielders, I would like to play short passing through the middle rather than wing passing. If i play against a team with a narrow defence and midfield, I'd like to play with wingers. If i play against a team with wingers, I'd like to play with a wide defence, and if I play against a team without wingers which attacks through the middle, I'd like to have a narrow defence. Football formations from the real world are useless in this game. I try to have multiple formations in senior and all Uxx teams.

5) Youths should not play "committed". They don't have enough stamina to play 90 minutes with "committed" pressing. You should try "normal" or "passive". Committed pressing might also result in more bookings than normal and passive. It's all up to you, but if you need to chase a goal in the last minutes of an important game, you would like to play committed pressing.

6) Explained in 4).

Re: fastest ways, most efficient and right ways to gain skill ba

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Play intelligence isn't important for strikers and cf ?

Re: fastest ways, most efficient and right ways to gain skill ba

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charef wrote:
Play intelligence isn't important for strikers and cf ?

Of course. I wrote it in one of the posts :)

manekaster wrote:

Playing intelligence is also important, but rumours say that young players train slower in PI than older and more experienced players. You shouldn't prioritize that so much for youths.
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