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Tell me what you think gang,

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Here is a video for you guys to digest, if it doesn't make you sick to your stomach I don't know what would. This is for the people who believe we live in a democracy in the US. All other western countries are the same. Democracy and freedom is only an illusion and propaganda that can be taken away whenever those that rule us want to.
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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Lets see, this is my own little investigation of major Islamic attacks in the USA, here's what I found about the nationalities of the terrorists:There has been no other major Islamic attacks in USA soil....

ISIS keeps threatening for attacks in the US. On some of the recent attacks in Europe you had refugees commuting the attacks.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
C'mon, it isn't that hard to understand, the ban is just pure demagogy,

How about you c'mon don't you see they are making a big deal out a TEMPORARY bad do demonize Trump.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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For some reason, the last few posts never appear until somebody makes another post.... no conspiracy here, just some sort of forum bug on long posts :)

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
How about you c'mon don't you see they are making a big deal out a TEMPORARY bad do demonize Trump.

Are you in favor of temporary banning Albanians?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
conspiracy theory no346213

use fear as a means to take away liberties and create easily manipulated societies

so now you're a conspiracy theorist. These people don't like the West. They are commuting rapes the media doesn't show anything.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Are you in favor of temporary banning Albanians?

yes if there was a threat, until we sort things out.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
How about you c'mon don't you see they are making a big deal out a TEMPORARY bad do demonize Trump.

Temporary was never mention in the executive if it was temporary as Trump claimed...why didn't he write in the start and end dates. Technicalities...we have no idea how long temporary is to Trump!:O

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
yes if there was a threat, until we sort things out.

What if there is no intelligence that there's an imminent threat from Albanian? Just Trump's word? And suppose you're enjoying your holidays in the Caribbean and then they tell you that you can't go back home because there's a temporary ban? Would you still support the ban? Wouldn't you be worried to lose your job, paying your mortgage and well.... how and where would you live?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
What if there is no intelligence that there's an imminent threat from Albanian? Just Trump's word?

But there is a threat.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Ok, I don't see any threat mentioned as specifically coming from those Countries that where banned..... so it's a ban on muslims? And Albania has 60% of muslim population btw, so your videos prove that there's a threat coming from Albania, right?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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maxiromamanny wrote:

you get your airplane ticking yet back to Peru?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Ok, I don't see any threat mentioned as specifically coming from those Countries that where banned..... so it's a ban on muslims? And Albania has 60% of muslim population btw, so your videos prove that there's a threat coming from Albania, right?

youre making me ill

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
youre making me ill

Well, the truth is too much to handle for some people.....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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you do understand that what we're doing here is a sort of debate and not trying to change each other's views?

there's no reason for you to get frustated that we don't see what you see

again I'm going to offer you an extreme example

should greece ban all albanians from entering because most crimes committed in my country are by albanians? should we deport parents that do not have a permanent visa/work permit yet they have children that go on greek schools and are considered greek citizens?

should we also ban everyone with turkish origin because we have disputes with them since eons ago?

if you are afraid of bombings and terrorist attacks, go and have a friendly chat with your nearest muslim neighbour or even better go the leader of your nearest muslim community and ask them for a joint speech against terrorism/hatred/racism

if one community respects another, the chance for a bombing to occur in your area are much less

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Well, the truth is too much to handle for some people.....

Let me rephrase that your ignorance is getting me ill.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
Let me rephrase that your ignorance is getting me ill.

So I'm ignorant because you couldn't reply to any of the points I made in a sensible way or made any reasonable argumentation? Weird....

You need to learn to debate or just avoid debating if you can't deal with the defeat, Socrates once said "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
you get your airplane ticking yet back to Peru?

looks like your Albanian roots will be getting you a ticket back to Albania before me :D what makes it better is that it will be free from Trump!! H

it's ok if you're scared buddy... :(

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
So I'm ignorant because you couldn't reply to any of the points I made in a sensible way or made any reasonable argumentation? Weird....

You need to learn to debate or just avoid debating if you can't deal with the defeat, Socrates once said "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

How can one debate you. You don't accept anything. Youre going to criticize and make a big deal of anything Trump does and defend presidents like Obama that have committed so many crimes. You don't accept anything. I would if you gave me good proof.

How can you believe the democrats and politicians acting like they care about Muslims when they have bombed the middle east to the stone age.

I see right thru this fraud.

The reaction to a TEMPORARY travel ban is exaggerated, that is obvious if youre not bias and think things trhue. It is not even a Muslim ban. If it was a permanent ban i would go out and protest myself. You cannot deny the attacks here and in Europe by Muslim radicals and the hate they have. What is wrong with vetting these people before bringing them in.

You talk about Albania when you don't know anything about it. Albanians are not too into religion for the most part. We had a dictatorship for 50 years where practicing religion was forbidden. Churches and Mosques were destroyed. Last time I checked they don't force women to cover their faces, and women were free to do whatever they please unlike a lot of these Muslim countries. You don't see me talk about Argentina because I don't know much about it only that is run by the same people and is very good in football. So when you don't have much knowledge about something dont bring it up.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
The reaction to a TEMPORARY travel ban is exaggerated

Again, how would you react if you went on a holiday with your family to the Caribean, you're having fun and drinking margaritas, then you try to come back and you're told that you can't come back, you have to temporarily find somewhere else to live because you can't go back to your job and your home....

I'm sure the banks will be really understanding if you can't pay your mortgage, your boss will keep your job waiting for you and the USA government will just reimburse you for any expenses in food and accommodation, right?

And just because someone thinks Albanians might be terrorists despite the fact that they never committed a terrorist attack on USA soil. Would you at least feel a bit upset of the fact that nationals from Countries that did commit terrorist attacks are not affected by this measure? The ban might be temporary but it doesn't make the USA any safer, it's totally unjustified and it ruins families.

And in any case, you can say Albanians are not too into religion and I believe you, but I'm not Trump or one of his fans, recently a plot by an Islamist Albanian has been stopped and I posted a link to the news article, if an Albanian commits a terror attack on US soil, that's pretty much all Trump will need to say all Albanians are a threat to the National security of the USA.....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Again, how would you react if you went on a holiday with your family to the Caribean, you're having fun and drinking margaritas, then you try to come back and you're told that you can't come back, you have to temporarily find somewhere else to live because you can't go back to your job and your home....

Youre making it sound like everyone was in that situation. Im sure there were a few unfortunate cases, but that happens. The majority are not, so they can wait a little. Again maybe you don't mind terrorist attacks, I do. We are not going to go to a civil war to please you. There was an election and you lost.

darkline wrote:
And just because someone thinks Albanians might be terrorists despite the fact that they never committed a terrorist attack on USA soil.

And can you please stop with the hypothetical ideas. We've had terrorist attacks here and I haven't seen anybody get kicked out from the country that has already been here. Once he does things like that than you can talk. You can't predict the future, don't make things up just because you think it will happen.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
Youre making it sound like everyone was in that situation. Im sure there were a few unfortunate cases, but that happens. The majority are not, so they can wait a little. Again maybe you don't mind terrorist attacks, I do. We are not going to go to a civil war to please you. There was an election and you lost.

Again you make wrong assumptions, the only ones not in that situation are tourists coming to see Mickey Mouse and if they stop them it's unfortunate but I guess it's acceptable if there's a risk, but the majority actually was in the situation I described, they where visiting family or on vacation abroad. Again, no terrorist attacks where perpetrated from people from those Countries, most terrorists come from Saudi Arabia.... it's really a circular discussion because you fail to understand that people from Countries that are more likely to commit terrorist attacks where not affected by the ban.

albeagle wrote:
And can you please stop with the hypothetical ideas. We've had terrorist attacks here and I haven't seen anybody get kicked out from the country that has already been here. Once he does things like that than you can talk. You can't predict the future, don't make things up just because you think it will happen.

I didn't say kicked out, I said temporarily banned and unable to return to your home, job & family if you happen to be outside the Country the moment the temporary ban is implemented. It's not hypothetical, this happened.... and persons from the seven named Countries have committed the same number of terrorist attacks than Albanians, so an Albanian represents the exact same danger than a person from any of those 7 Countries....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And anyway, ban has been suspended so why are we still arguing about it?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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In other news, an investigation determined that Trump doesn't know how to shake hands with another human being... instead of shaking hands, he kinds of hold them for a while and then pull on the poor victim.

Is he a reptilian disguised as a human? Because it seems the reptilian handshake consists on doing a little tug of war with each othere... here's the evidence about the suspicious Trump handshake....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And here's hard evidence from a trusted source, a youtube video that proves that Trump is a reptilian shapeshifter....

Απ: Tell me what you think gang,

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Let's say that a temporary ban gets in effect.
No terrorist attack happens, the people are happy that it worked and talks about it becoming a permanent one start going back and forth between the government and the fearful citizens, through the all mighty media who know how to manipulate people.

Because of fear, the ban becomes a permanent one and perhaps it starts affecting more countries as well. Soon other nations follow suit and do the same thing.

Hatred and racism are on the rise because even with the ban on effect, people continue to fear even if they feel a bit safer. Eventually a terrlrist manages to get through and cause damage and loss of lives or even worse, a citizen that happened to have a nationality from one of the banned countries, gets bullied, mistreated etc, snaps and runs amok on a killing spree cause he starts hating back.

Win win situation for the autocratic gov, who enforces more bans, less liberty, goes to war and all with the blessings of the citizens because by know they are certain they will never be safe and their fear has transformed to paranoia and they want a total ban on everything foreign and a big wall on every border

More nations start doing the same collapses into a state of fear. Everyone that disagrees with the gov is seen as a traitor. Each country starts blaming other countries for all the misery and paranoia that goes on. They start indoctrinating citizens and use them as human bombs against other nations. And at a certain time a hothead manages to become president that has more hotheads as advisors. He decides that the only way to keep going is by eliminating everyone else. He adresses his citizens telling them to be brave because the end is comming, the war to end all fear is nearing its end. The paranoid citizens full of nationalism pride start shouting 'push the button, push the button'

At the same time, in another nation, another hothead autocratic leader gives the same speech.

Buttons have been pressed, bangs have been heard. Both the jews and the establishment have lost. The world is in ruins. Humans Vs cockroaches 0-5

Conspiracy theory no.666

ps. The roaches played long balls, by that time the sim got updated and wings passing style was a thing of the past


Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
In other news, an investigation determined that Trump doesn't know how to shake hands with another human being... instead of shaking hands, he kinds of hold them for a while and then pull on the poor victim.

I have to say that was hilarious. He shakes hands like a man not like a p---y. I don't believe in reptilians but I believe that those on top worship Satan.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
Let's say that a temporary ban gets in effect.
No terrorist attack happens, the people are happy that it worked and talks about it becoming a permanent

You just coming out with theories that I have no answer to, because I can't predict the future. I know for a fact Trump has no interest in making the ban permanent. It would make no sense, he is not a dictator even if he wanted to he cant do it.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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everything is about theories

even the ban is based on the theory that those banned would have been the source of a terrorist attack.

one fears terrorists, another fears an autocratic government

power corrupts and even one with good intentions in mind can always be corrupted or make a mistake/bad judgement, simply because we are humans

Trump may not want a permanent ban, but what about his advisers? and what if something bad happens while there's a temporary ban in effect? or after the temporary ban is lifted? the temporary one becomes permanent and so on. Fear is the worst kind of adviser one can have. Not to mention that radicals/conspiracy theorists can use a situation like that to bring chaos by helping out for an "inside job" kind of attack.

you and I both know that there are lot of wackos out there, that don't even have a problem taking their own life away just because they believe that the end is coming

It might sound like a far fetch hypothesis, but it's a theory non the less

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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In any case, I don't agree in banning legal residents of the USA, that's families, people with a job, people that contribute to the economy and have car payments, credit card payments, mortgage payments..... what about students? You got a student visa, paid hefty fees to study in an American University and if you're abroad due to half terms you can't go back and resume your studies?

It doesn't matter if it's temporary or not, if temporarily is 3 months or longer it will ruin you, if you get caught outside of the Country because you where on a holiday, business trip or whatever and then you're not allowed to return to your home, it must be devastating, really, what would you do if your life and everything you have is in the USA and they lock you out "temporarily"? And it's specially infuriating as there's no real reason since the ban didn't even affected people coming from Countries that perpetrated terrorists attacks in the USA. It's just crazy.

If they want to ban people with tourists visas or even stop issuing new work visas from people for certain Countries that's fair enough, but ruining people's life's for no reason? That's just horrible.

In any case, I think the famous temporary ban of those seven Countries was the 1st step and eventually it would have extended to more Countries.... probably not Saudi Arabia which is the #1 sponsor of terrorist activity though, but economy 1st, terrorism 2nd, as long as Trump can find some scapegoat Countries everything will be fine ;)

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
I have to say that was hilarious. He shakes hands like a man not like a p---y. I don't believe in reptilians but I believe that those on top worship Satan.

I don't think he shakes hands, it's more like a tug of war....

This one is my favorite...

It seems both are shapeshifter reptilians, see how both do the tug of war handshake typical of reptilians?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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reptilians are so passe

go for vril instead :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
In any case, I think the famous temporary ban of those seven Countries was the 1st step and eventually it would have extended to more Countries....

no its not, no need to worry

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
I don't think he shakes hands, it's more like a tug of war....

This one is my favorite...

It seems both are shapeshifter reptilians, see how both do the tug of war handshake typical of reptilians?

the lady in the middle seems to enjoy it

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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I think it is by far the most unfriendly hand shake I have ever seen. Sometimes I think he is having sex through his hand.:O

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
the lady in the middle seems to enjoy it

That's because he's using the reptilian mind melt trick, notice his other hand on the shoulder of the lady, it's similar to what spock does on Star Trek but the vulcan technique is a bit different.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
That's because he's using the reptilian mind melt trick, notice his other hand on the shoulder of the lady, it's similar to what spock does on Star Trek but the vulcan technique is a bit different.

Im not a conspiracy theorist just telling the truth. You r very naive. Nice guy but very naive.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
I think it is by far the most unfriendly hand shake I have ever seen. Sometimes I think he is having sex through his hand.:O

Second that. There is no climax though.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
And here's hard evidence from a trusted source, a youtube video that proves that Trump is a reptilian shapeshifter....

LOL, trusted source and independent, hahaha

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
I think it is by far the most unfriendly hand shake I have ever seen. Sometimes I think he is having sex through his hand.:O

Yeah, I don't think Abe enjoyed it too much, he probably had better ones in his life

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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This just in Trump in the making

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Oh the system is so rigged, let's try again, Trump in the making

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aemi wrote:
LOL, trusted source and independent, hahaha

do you believe this guy crying?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Edited: 12-02-2017 16:55
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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the security of the country is at stake look at Germany's recent terrorist attacks.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
the security of the country is at stake look at Germany's recent terrorist attacks.

Well, the major terrorists attacks in Europe where:

2016 - Germany - Christmas Attack perpetrated by a Tunisian
2016 - Brussels bombings - 3 born in Belgium, 1 in Sweden, 1 in Morocco
2015 - November Paris attacks - 12 attackers born in Belgium, France and 1 in Morocco

And well... the list goes on and still, no attackers from the seven Countries nominated by Trump committed any major terrorist attack. To be honest, the more I look into this, the more ridiculous that list of Countries seems to be.

Here's another piece of information, citizens from Belgium & France do not need a visa to get into the USA.... and citizens from those Countries where responsible for major terrorists attacks in the past year!

So let's see, banning people that already where thoroughly scrutinized to get their visas that come from Countries that where never involved on major terrorist attacks will help protect the USA..... but letting people from France & Belgium enter the USA without even asking them to apply for a visa is safe....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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You forgot to mention that the lattest attack was from a refugee. A 3/4 month ban would not end the world. Why take a chance. The coutries included in the ban are controlled by terrorists.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
You forgot to mention that the lattest attack was from a refugee. A 3/4 month ban would not end the world. Why take a chance. The coutries included in the ban are controlled by terrorists.

Because they already don't let them in, they need visas and getting a visa when you come from one of those Countries is pretty hard..... the people that do get a visa is less likely to commit a terrorist attack than someone coming from any of the Countries that don't need visas like France or Belgium.

If they ban one Country, they should just go ahead and ban them all... just close the doors of the USA and isolate the Country, North Korea did that and they don't have terrorist attacks....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And btw, they should ban guns too... 15057 people died and 30603 where injured because of guns in 2016 and that happens each year. Compare this to 9-11, 2,996 dead and 6000 injured..... so Americans with guns kill each year 5 times more people than the 9-11 terrorist attacks, if Trump wants to keep America safe, then he should do something about that....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
And btw, they should ban guns too... 15057 people died and 30603 where injured because of guns in 2016 and that happens each year. Compare this to 9-11, 2,996 dead and 6000 injured..... so Americans with guns kill each year 5 times more people than the 9-11 terrorist attacks, if Trump wants to keep America safe, then he should do something about that....

Thats ur opinion. Most gun deaths happen from gangs that get their guns illegaly thats a fact.
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