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Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 72
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Erroneous Comments

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Are they even necessary in light of the game and how its played today? If in fact, as i suspect, these comments are indeed superfluous, redundant or de trop, then i am just being supererogatory, and this superfluous collective display of wordsmithery is just as irrelevant as the subject itself as a whole.

acquiesce or form to the negative?
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Re: Erroneous Comments

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You rap like your broke, a sip too much dope
Cant afford a rope, too hang yourself with bro?
This sh*ts getting real, and you cant cope
So you sniff them coke, and eat bars of soap

Im a entrepreneur, I earn with minimal loss
While you depend on, a paycheck from your boss
Im sitting in my chair, with two babes j3rk1ng me off
While your knees on the ground, j3rk1ng off Toss

Get real, get clean
Quit idolizing Charlie Sheen
Smile, not grin
Look at what you got yourself in.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Well bestie's wearing egg on his face
Now hes been beaten into second place
I knocked the competition into outer space
I think its about time i stepped up the pace

Ill take my victory with good grace
Like a good lawyer i closed this case
Your honour I have proved with haste
That bestie was nuthin but panty waste

So step it up ladies come try your luck
Nickybutt, tonner, Zeoh, I couldnt give a fire truck
But if you do, get ready to duck
Cos my superior skills will leave you looking like a schmuck

Battling me will make you come unstuck
Words fall from your mouths like upchuck
All y'alls rhymes aint worth a buck
You know ill leave feeling thunderstuck

Well there is no denying I am the Champion
Bestie crying at home in front of Nickledeon
Cut with the precision of neurosurgeon
I ended the fight he should have never begun

Everyone knows besties efforts were inglorious
His rhymes were painfully weak and laborious
He should have known my rap skills are notorious
No looking back as I walk away victorious

Re: Erroneous Comments

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You know ill leave ya feeling thunderstuck

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Quit writing poems grinner.

Im a emcee spitting in intense speed, the lord sends me to rip whoever I seek.
Who wants to test me Im deadly Im killing with the melody arrest me my words are a felony.

I keep it cool under pressure, battle me I'll stress ya
You fold like the clothes in your dresser

My words are painful, they'll stick into your inner core
I beat pimps and slap you around like you're an average wh*re
I damage anybody who wanna stick around for more
I eat you sweethearts like a ferocious carnivore

Mentally you're not affecting me, nuh
Intellectually you'll never be neck and neck with me
So dont pretend to be some emcee you'll never be
You're better off serving customers at your local KFC

Re: Erroneous Comments

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It's been a week and no reply your brains dead fried so thick like 3 ply,
You've been trying but nothings going through your head, you got caught up by the words that I said.
Your parents fed you up but you've been misled, this sped is actually better off being dead.
You got shredded as if you was beheaded and you're embedded in your meds

Get back into your little hole dont show yourself no
My flow brings me the free h0es and dough
You blow slow like treading through the snow
Come on we both know that I own this show

Ant: Erroneous Comments

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I don't like ham
That's how i am.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Sorry Im bored so Im just gonna keep going.


I impress nothing less than a missile, once your wifes done I'll be next to diss you.
Hold up let me address this issue, I rip mics mate you couldnt rip a tissue
Let me find out what the docs admits you,
I'll be sure to stop by with some panadol for your menstrual.


You're a felon for not liking ham kevin, I'll teach you a lesson for being a peasant
I reckon ill shove vemon down your throat and apply compression
Maybe I'll lessen the gore I might add lemons,
Cut your head off give it to your girl as a present
That'll teach you for trotting into my session,
its pleasant ripping you up, its my obsession

Re: Erroneous Comments

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So Besties got a sac, but now i am back, for another title crack, his rhymes are whack But what do you expect from someone with a brain the size of a tic tac
If his rhymes are Looney Tunes, then that must make me Shaq
Oh yeah, its time for copping the flak, i bet youve filled your daks now im on the attack
Like Danoz Direct you can wait cos i have more
I havent even started explaining why yo momma is a whore
Now im back I'll knock you to the floor, show you the door, remind you youre a poor
Excuse for a human being, piss weak rap is all we are seeing
Im think everyone is agreeing that your words are like cars that i am keying
Cos you missed me, we got to see, Belgium's best rapper in Kevinskyy
Like Dr Seuss with nose full of coke, he on his way to nickybutts now for a toke
Relax my flatland friend its just a joke, the same way people call bestie a bloke
We know its not true, but whats he gonna do? Cry a lot a fill his pants with more poo?
I think we knew, thats what would happen when im through
Me feeling happy, bestie feeling blue
My raps end bestie faster than a racehorse ends up glue!

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Grinners entrance, in with a few sentences,
it seems his preference are cartoon references
Mate nobody care about how many cartoon vids you stack,
i murder everything i touch buddy move back.
Talking about mommas are we? you stoner
yo momma so fat shes despised by all buffet owners
but she still gives me the same old big boner
but shes still the same girl last night when i did bone her

Im nasty my flows so clean its filthy,
million dollar reward for whoever kills me,
up to a billion dollar now but i still breath,
its all good yo big momma can shield me.
whats he gonna do? thats what you said
i fill my pants with poo to get your family fed.
i got you in a headlock, ill twist you like a deadlock
your dad got c0ckblocked, and i stole her like a night hawk
mate the only thing your rap will end is your own life
you make me look good, i could do this all night

Ant: Erroneous Comments

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Bpm, live with it, I still don't like ham
If you can't cope with that, well, I don't give a damn.
There are many things I like to eat
Bananas, jellyfish, I would even try mammoth meat.
But ham is just as disgusting as a purple mushroom,
So stop pushing me, or it will be your DOOM!
Doom doom doom doom doom doom
yes yes, doom doom doom.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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It might hurt, when I strike first, with a light burst
Of the rhymes from the mind that'll put you in a nice hearse!
You have no skills you gotta research, They have a statue of me in every damn church,
I mean what could be worst? Disliking ham or getting wrecked headfirst.
I drop guys like a rock slide, leave them cockeyed,
From the rhymes that'll spin you counter clockwise.
I stop lives like a stop sign
When I pop mine Glock 9 at your mind.
Tick tock time ticks, Ima non stop killa
Blood drips I sip, whatevers left over
My rhymes are masterpieces that you gotta decipher
And when I spit, boom! Friggin Supernova...

Re: Erroneous Comments

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My rhymes are tight unlike your sister
I'll spell it out in case you missed the
Verse I settled the score
Even taught bpm to count to 4

Speaking of a lesson
Take me we'll be less one
Time for your lyrics to up and go too
Post menopause granny got better flow than you

Re: Erroneous Comments

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For real bro? You had all the time in the world and thats all you came up with?
Seriously though, you rap like a b!@ch and mate you're kinda giving me a stiff.
But damn oh man, its another old man, another one caught in something that he dont understand.
Writing rhymes in your wheelchair, wishing you could stand and mate, you would if you can!
Your bone crackles like pork crackling and when you rap I laugh like "Wtf is happening?!"
Thanks for the laugh mate cos those two verses you got there must be a joke,
Im outta here, back to your mom g4gging h3r til the ***** ch0kes.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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What happened to this thread?
Lately it seems dead.
I guess it's to be expected when you fools lack so much cred.

Like all the fights i've won and fought, I'm gonna keep this short

And now I'll pass the mic, so do whatever you'd like

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Oh hell naw this sh*ts begun
With more shots and banter than hoffa's NT run

And more complicit disses so explicit you'd be wishing that you never took this minute to listen. Witness my illicit flow with the sickness that'll put you off in a distance cos my position blemishes your very existence.

Its late. I cant think of anymore. Im going to bed.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Been up all night watching metal top 10's on youtube
Logged on to my hockey account where low and behold I had a transfer purchase due
Needed a young keeper to secure the back
Someone with back dated training camps who isn't a hack

Dropped by this page by accident as I had forgotten it existed
Though my memory was jigged by fatso the wombat and the ghost of an erroneous whisper
You'll all see this in morning, wait the birds have begun to chirp
The sun is rising and it time for my pre-sleep jerk........

What the...

Re: Erroneous Comments

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A year later this still goes on xD

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Oh hell yeah, my threads not dead,
not back in time for my rhymes to put bestie to bed
A quick hello is all i have said so lets see whats begun
a few lines, a few smiles and now i am done.

laterzzzz boyz XD

Re: Erroneous Comments

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are your rhymes that boring that they'll put me to sleep?
hell you can replace the pills that i take twice a week
hell you can replace the routine of me counting sheep
do something more while youre at it, get down on your knees....

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Get down on my knees you say?
What am I, some kind of Hoffa or gay?
I don't believe in that kind of BPM riducule,
I'm one that believes in a tyranny rule.

Now who would be the Aussie master of comments,
Not someone who complains about the sim or laments.
I've long viewed this thread and yet to enter,
I've been on MZ longer than I've been on all night benders.

This may seem like a slanging match,
But trust me on this, I like the snatch.

Ant: Erroneous Comments

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Being an Aussie master isn't that great
Too much use of words like "mate"
Letting kangaroos die on the street
makes my achy breaky heart bleed
No, Aussie boys have never been told
that, while Belgium is hot, Down Under it's cold

Re: Erroneous Comments

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kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest kerser is the sickest

i win

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Kerser has to be the single worst amatuer rapper that ever lived. His noise is a blight on any musician or artist with real talent. If you can point out more than 2 songs that arent about him, how great he is or dont feature the word 'edit' then paint me dutch, cos christ that edit is just painful.

Not that i had any respect for you Bestie, but its all gone now. This explains your sadly demented poor lyric choices. so so sad.

edit - swearing
Edited: 24-05-2015 16:10
Total edits: 1

Re: Erroneous Comments

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If you hadn't forgotten your morning coffee, you'd know I was merely mocking Kerser.

I like how you censure me with "respect." If you judge me base on my persona in an online football manager game, then you sir have immersed yourself a bit too deep in this online fantasy world.

As for my "sadly demented poor lyric choices," What did you expect me to write? Rant about government policies? Address epidemic obesity? I bantered in the only impersonal way any male would know how, a banter on your pride and ego by the means of fellatio.

The fun for me, like in any "rap battles" is to see how fast I can jab a line. It takes me literally a minute or two tops write what I've wrote, any faster it'd be a real freestyle. While you probably stare outside the window for inspiration then laugh at your own rhymes.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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grinner wrote:
dont feature the word 'edited'

I assume you mean "kant." Get off your high horse mate, it's not Australian if the word isn't featured.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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LOL chill the edit out brah, my apologies for not having an intellect capable of understanding your cutting witticisms and sarcasm by repeatedly typing 'kerser is the sickest' and i will admit i was horrified you were serious when i responded, but in seeing as you took my comment about your lyric choices to heart i guess you are equally as guilty of the same crime.

our 'rap battles' were indeed fun, but if you think either of us know each other from them or that i spent any real time coming up with any of them, then i am sorry for your wasted energies.

I would also like to point out that my daughter has taken up listening to Kerser (shes 16 so dont blame her), and as much as im not proud, i have been forced to listen to that bollocks once or twice which is once or twice too many for somone who actually enjoys an element of intelligence in their rhymes.

so in summation...chill the edit out brah. ;)

edited - swearing
Edited: 29-05-2015 15:43
Total edits: 2

Re: Erroneous Comments

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grinner wrote:
LOL chill the edit out brah

The mystery of your daughter's poor taste in music has been solved.

That right there, is the first episode of "Thinker."

We're onto a masterpiece here.
Edited: 25-05-2015 15:14
Total edits: 1

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Thread just went up a notch.

Ant: Erroneous Comments

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Notch up just went a thread.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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This forum nazi cant even edit properly.

Re: Erroneous Comments

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Back from my ban mother..... oh yeah, umm, super friends :)
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